Friday, February 09, 2007

Five Months Later

September 2?!

My last entry was on September 2?!

Fortunately, nothing much noteworthy has happened since then, except the Democrats took back both houses of Congress, a Republican representative from Florida got caught pursuing a young page, a woman became Speaker of the House, John Kerry flubbed a joke that GOP nutbars and the mainstream media pretended not to understand, a Colorado evangelist was forced out of the closet and then forced back in, 363 tons of our tax dollars disappeared because some genius decided to send it to Iraq in the form of cash, and George W. Bush continued to position himself as the emperor of America—a delusional, evil emperor hell-bent on turning the entire Middle East into a gigantic graveyard with oil pumps among the tombstones.

Yeah, nothing to write about there.

On the other hand, no one’s expressed any curiosity about where I’ve been, so it might be some time before anyone notices I’m back.

Shorter and more frequent entries—that’s the ticket. And with that, it’s time to relaunch the Runes.

1 comment:

No Safe Words said...

You're BACK! I'd totally given up on you! I'm so glad you're writing again...
