The election is one week from today and Hurricane Sandy is knocking the hell
out of the east coast. Subways are flooding, substations are blowing up, and
millions are without electricity. I have yet to see any paranoid reactionaries
claiming that Obama is going to use this disaster to postpone the election and
remain in power in perpetuity, but that might be because I haven’t read the
entire internet yet.
On the other hand, I had already heard similar ranting even before Sandy
hit. “The Dems will do anything to stay in power!” according to one ranter.
Yes, indeed--like pushing for voter ID laws aimed at disenfranchising people
most likely to vote Democratic (
here). And systematically losing, discarding, or destroying
Democratic voter registrations (
here). And misleading Spanish-speaking voters into thinking
voter ID is required (
here). And just plain telling different Spanish-speaking
people the election is on Thursday the 8th (
here). Man, we Democrats are ruthless.
These paranoid fantasies spring up every election year, and tend to be
believed by people predisposed to believe the worst about the party they’re not
voting for. I wasn’t concerned when I heard the rumors in 2004 (remember how
Bush was going to postpone the election because, uh, terrorism?), or in 2008
(believe he was going to declare martial law that time). I’m not concerned now,
nor should anyone else be. For one reason, the president doesn’t have the power
to reschedule an election. For another, remember these are Democrats we’re
talking about. Even if there was an ounce of deviousness in the party, they’d
look for a way to use it in a bipartisan manner.
If Democrats really wanted to stay in power, they’d do a better job of
persuading nonmillionaire voters not to screw themselves by voting Republican.
But I don’t see that happening.